Want to curb binge drinking? Try fish oil..!

Posted by webber | Sunday, May 29, 2011 | , | 0 comments »

Consuming foods rich in Omega 3 may have a positive effect on individuals with alcohol problems and psychiatric disorders, scientists have said.

Researchers at the Indiana University School of Medicine recently released a study that finds omega-3 fatty acids may improve depression and help people overcome alcohol abuse, Science Daily reports.

Fish oil has been hailed as wonder treatment for diseases like autism and dementia, now scientists have claimed that it could also help tackle binge drinking.

Investigators used a stress-sensitive mouse model of bipolar disorder to study the dietary influence of fatty acid DHA.

The scientists, who made the discovery by chance while studying whether fish oil had any benefit for bipolar disorder, found that it "normalised" the behaviour of mice with the condition.

"They (the mice) are not depressed and when subjected to stress they do not become manic," lead author Dr Alexander Niculescu was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail.

However, an unexpected finding of the research was that the fatty acid also reduced the desire for alcohol, Dr Niculescu said.